Friday, October 24, 2008

My Friend Janay

The following story by a second grade student named Janay illustrates one of the many reasons a teacher teaches. One of the Perks of the job if you will. This little Janay and her friend Kristi had been ganging up on a little girl called Christina. Christina was quite a character herself, but after a few days of cruel words and treatment of her at recess, I pulled Kristi and Janay aside and talked to them at length about being a friend. Janay took things said to heart and really gave it some effort. Later in the year for a writing project, I asked the students to write me a story about their friend. This was Janay’s story.

My Friend

My friend helps me when I need help. She helps me when I need to be nice to people, even Christina! She is not mean to me. She teaches me how to be a friend. If I am nice to people they are nice to me. This friend is a real teaching person. She helps everyone. This person is Ms. Riggs.

At the end of the year, she made a cute little memory book as only second graders can do. In it she stated, “ I want to be a teacher, because I want to be like you! I like you and love you. Thanks for teaching me. You taught me how to do Art, Math, etc. You are the best to me.

Such are the rewards of teaching! No amount of money could compensate for this experience.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

What an incredbile story. It illustrates just how impressionable little children are and how a good teacher (such as yourself) can positivley influence their lives. Thanks for teaching values with that student. The world truly is a better place for the work you have done and continue to do now with your blog.

Chiara said...

Aw, hopefully I'll have stories like that soon!